Editorial Policy

1. Purpose and Scope: OnlineCasino.us is dedicated to providing timely, accurate, and comprehensive news and reviews related to the online and land-based casino industry. This editorial policy outlines the standards and practices we adhere to in our reporting and content creation.

2. Accuracy and Verification:

  • Every piece of content, whether news or reviews, undergoes a rigorous fact-checking process before publication.
  • We rely on credible sources and, where possible, primary information to ensure the accuracy of our reports.
  • Any errors or inaccuracies brought to our attention are corrected promptly, with updates clearly marked.

3. Transparency and Independence:

  • Our editorial team operates independently of our advertising and commercial team.
  • Sponsored content, partnerships, or affiliations are clearly labeled to distinguish them from editorial content.
  • We disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to our reporting or endorsements.

4. Sourcing:

  • We prioritize primary sources and firsthand information in our reporting.
  • When using secondary sources, we ensure they are reputable and trustworthy.
  • Anonymous sources are used sparingly and only when necessary to protect the source’s safety or job security. The use of such sources undergoes a stringent internal review.

5. Ethical Considerations:

  • We respect the privacy of individuals and organizations. Personal data is never shared without explicit consent.
  • We promote responsible gambling and provide resources and support for those who might need assistance.
  • We adhere to the Independent Press Standards Organisation’s Editors’ Code of Practice, ensuring our dedication to journalistic integrity.

6. User Feedback and Corrections:

  • We value feedback from our readers and encourage them to reach out with any concerns, corrections, or insights.
  • A clear process is in place for addressing and rectifying any factual errors in our content. Corrections are made transparently, with notes detailing the changes.

7. Review Process:

  • All articles, reviews, and content pieces are reviewed by a senior editor before publication.
  • Regular audits of our content are conducted to ensure continued accuracy, relevance, and adherence to our standards.

8. Commitment to Diversity:

  • We believe in representing the diverse voices and perspectives within the gambling industry.
  • Our team and sources reflect a range of experiences, backgrounds, and expertise.

9. Conclusion: OnlineCasino.us is committed to upholding the highest standards of journalism in the casino news sector. Our readers can trust that we prioritize accuracy, transparency, and ethical considerations in every piece of content we produce.